
We all wake up in the morning and go to sleep every night, although some of us do that backwards or in a rather uneven fashion but you get the idea. This guiding principle, the inescapable wave that brings us in and out of consciousness every day, also governs our entire lives in a way that we fail to see because it so far exceeds our capacity to perceive time. Roughly 80 years for most of us, the length of human life? Can we even go there?
Now that would be about 29 200 days…  Dying and reincarnating is akin to falling asleep and waking up the next day for a whole new experience, except a few thousand more days went by. Instead of a new set of clothes, you’re wearing a new personality. For a while, you will believe that it defines who you are, that that’s “all there is to it” or rather, all there is to you… But the reality is that this life too will pass, in the blink of an eye, and you will die again. You will fall asleep and wake up again to a new life yet again, and again, and again. Except the “sleeping time”, what we call death, is little more than a slip out of our current consciousness.

The reality is that we don’t simply slip out of consciousness, we dive into an altered state of consciousness. From the perspective of a human life and what happens during that time, we slide into dream state. From the perspective of spiritual life and what happens in between, we enter the most awakened state, the most complete consciousness ever available to a sentient being, one that puts us in touch with our soul. In that state, we are also in direct connection with what we can’t really grasp during our limited time in human form, which is why we call it Oneness, God, Source, all-that-is… Our clumsy attempts to name the infinite reality we are fully part of between waves of what we call “life”.

When we do nothing

When we do nothing, we are are doing everything. We are opening. We are detaching from daily noise, habits, addictions; aligning, with the present moment; 

tasting timelessness, where inspiration reigns and gently permeates those who know how to be present. 

If you found someone to do nothing with, treasure it. Together you can access the most blissful perception available to human consciousness… when time stops, when everything comes to a halt while you stand still. Motionless, all senses alert, at the tipping point between the physical and ethereal; more receptive than ever, rich with the abundant gift of not doing, not going, not seeking, not wanting, not running, not hoping, not regretting, not activating any physical manifestations of the timely realms.

Non-action takes you out of time and within a non-locality laced with treasures too rich for words.

Later, as you step back into the mundane, some of the magic dust will give birth to tangible things.

cropped-img_4497.jpgThen someone will say, “how amazing. Where did you get the inspiration?” With a smile you can truthfully say: “nowhere…” 

Which really means, now… here…

12 Senses

A regular day on Earth, echoes, sounds and images happen simultaneously, it’s a bit chaotic, sometimes we think it’s music. What if everything we perceive was just the distant shock wave of something much more profound and brilliant happening in multi-dimensions? Stop for a moment and imagine how that might blow our consciousness? What festival of unknown? It is beyond sound and image, touch and scent. In fact, the range of divine expressions would require dozens of senses to grasp all which we can’t even imagine.

Those echoes eventually reach us, muffled, flattened and faded, sifted through a 3D filter, their intensity lowered to a frequency we can both perceive and withstand. The rest is lost to us, its only trace a strange longing for something more, a tightening sensation in the chest, art forms we can barely grasp, even those of us blessed with a third eye and sixth sense.

When that voice speaks to us, when we hear the echoes and play them, when we let ourselves be a human partition in divine hands, there is music. The most beautiful melody and rhythm, one that vibrates not for the ears but for the heart. There is no need to search for Oneness any longer because we are aligned, divine music flowing through us.  Back to 12 senses instead of 6.

Elemental Power

Emotions collide and squeeze me in their invisible embrace. They lift or sink me in waves I do not see coming but feel strongly as they pass through me, each one making me doubt who I was before and who I will be after they’re done with me.

I am puzzled by the chaos inside, not the placid lake others see, or just others with surface vision. I embrace life with all I’ve got, a leaf carried by powerful winds, fires and torrential rains. I used to be elemental myself until I was given an I. And that I and its eye explored again in that tiny skin suit, once again human, once again deprived of nature’s deeper power. 

But what is power really? In nature, power is not something you have, it’s something you are. The tree doesn’t have grounding power, patience and presence, it is all those things and they are embodied by its roots. The bird and the wind do not have the power of transformation and dream, they are that power. One soars and glides using the other’s currents, graceful and effortless. From the sea’s tide to the Moon phases, the jaguar’s coat to the humming bird’s shimmering grace, all of nature is power endlessly expressed and renewed.

In the world of buildings, dollars and cars, power is what you possess. It is things. To me the power of making and owning is a fake power, a shadow toy for missing wings and roots.  

Sometimes I want my strength back, I want the claws and the stealth walk, silently through the night, yellow eyes glowing, lighting my path, unafraid.  

But I have done that. I have been bird and cat, tree and bug, drops of water in forgotten ponds. So now I pounce on words and play with them, and when they stop responding because I’ve tossed them around too much, I need to go and hunt for new ones.

And I need the danger because there is no true power without it.

That is my journey into the night, its shadows exciting and frightening for what they may yield. Something I know, or something I don’t know, something I may not want to know. In a world that mostly bows to Human rule, emotions are my only true predators. They can fascinate and hypnotize me like a snake, they can deviate me off path as would a siren, they can tear me apart or disarm me and make me into a child. They are my teachers, and their way of love is sometimes on the tough side. Even the most pleasant feelings, the ones that make me smile, have an unsettling quality to them, an intensity that sometimes has me say, “please, stop”!

But I will not shy away from them. I am a warrior of emotions and when day light comes, when it’s time for a truce, I give them gratitude because they are my only true power.

Echoes in a coffee cup

What we call chance, accidents, coincidences, haphazard, is but the foam crowning a powerful ocean wave, or, to steer away from wild elements and closer to our daily grind, the froth topping a cappuccino ; meanwhile, the very fabric of life is brewing on a much deeper level, its dark secrets bubbling lighter waves to the surface for us to see… or not. Fortune tellers know better, they only peek at the bottom of coffee cups.

Messages from the Source-cuisine, foam-like manifestations of the divine chef’s original brew resonating in infinitely varied ways and directions… these echoes we sometimes call synchronicities never cease to surprise, delight and amaze me. As I move forward in the only time-direction my Earthbound existence allows, I find them to be more numerous and more significant. The fact I pay more attention to them also seems to act as a multiplying factor. So many road signs on the path of life, taking on many different guises and sometimes staring me in the face. Some I read right away, some I misunderstand, some I refuse to see, some I plain miss. But whether you call them synchronicities or serendipities, keeping in mind the nuance between the two, they are everywhere, ubiquitous echoes of our own true destiny ; things may look like chaos at times, but when you take a closer look at life’s ever-changing patterns,  you will see a highly structured mesh of reverberating shapes, colors, sounds, scents, words, numbers… in short, anything of significance to the human mind.
Pay attention to the synchronicities in your life. More than once, you will find that they shed light on events past and future, and that events themselves, because of how intricately they relate to one another in your own symbolic world, may be echoes of deeper events yet to occur.

As their foam surfaces in our daily existence, we can each try to make more sense of our own mad cappuccino !



Spirals in (e)motion(s)

Despair and exhuberance are much closer than we think. They reside on the edge, facing each other at both ends of the spectrum of our emotions. Like antagonistic mirrors, they project opposite vibrations that color our heart with shades that will make it sink or fly. So naturally, for anyone who is a frequent visitor of those seemingly faraway poles, a most desirable knowledge is how to quickly shift back to the sunnier of the two.

As often, the shift in question happens within, and what matters here is our vision of reality. Once flat and linear, with everything feeling like a straight path from A to B, our perception of our time-continuum must now bend into a circular shape, akin to a spiral.

Now that we we’ve gone from lines to circles, it’s easy to see how close these opposites truly reside. So next time you find yourself orbiting close to both of your emotional equinoxes, feeling pulled in by the one that mirrors sadness into your heart, you might consider “jumping ships” right there, without having to go full circle again! After all, you’ve been here before, you will be here again, riding the spiral of life, each time with more wisdom under your cosmic belt. How exciting is that?

When it comes to polar opposites, spiral vision tells us that when you visit one, it’s easier than you think to visit the other…

Knowing that sadness and joy were easy to reverse (barring emotional earthquakes of course…) was a discovery that had me beam with wonder, a precious secret of life, a treasure tool to be used and shared without moderation. Emotions had morphed from an unpredictable emotional weather hazard into an actual choice…

Shifting emotions is basically a decision that we make. Imagine the deep, pure sound of a Tibetan bowl… it is instant and sharp, but its effects are long-lasting and powerful.

Once we’ve made our decision, it’s time to move through the steps that will take us to the other side, knowing that the bowl’s soundwaves have already traveled far ahead of us. The Tibetan bowl is our intention. Once we’ve ringed it in motion, it is our most powerful and benevolent guide.

A law… allow


I was always an avid reader of master-disciple stories, when one learns from a mysterious shaman or wise man/woman who shares profound insights and visions. I wanted this to happen to me, so I asked. And I received. Synchronicity brought Sotigui, an African griot from Mali, into my life, and I discovered the bliss of learning from a very wise man who carried with him the knowledge of thousands of years, a culture different from my own and a joy that was impossible not to feel in his presence. One of the things he always said was, “don’t force things. Don’t try to work on them so hard before their time, they will push back as hard as you did.” That was difficult to understand. I thought we were supposed to do precisely that in life, push as hard as we can…
He often added: “Avoid hastiness.” He said that with a calm, soothing tone that made me think about the village he described before his life in Paris. I imagined a slower pace and I felt an inner peace just thinking about it. More often than not, I had just hopped off the metro, hurrying up to keep up with the human sea pouring in and out, already thinking about my next appointment and I’m not even close to a type A, more like a type W or Z!
My head was spinning from the constant rush, an inevitable consequence of living in a metropolis… Or so I thought, until I walked the street and metro corridors with Sotigui and realized he was just as calm and composed as he was in his living room, sipping tea.

“You must miss Africa a lot. Do you have to go there often to resource?”, I once asked him during one of our numerous tea-pow wows in the Parisian suburb of Les Lilas. He thought for a moment, and said:
“I take Africa with me everywhere I go.” From his tone and the expression on his face, I could tell it was exactly how he felt. It wasn’t a figure of speech or an image designed to soothe homesickness, it was an actual fact. That’s how he could remain so calm and focused amidst urban chaos. His energy was stronger, more stable than that of the city surrounding him. And what he loved, he not only took everywhere with him, but shared generously. It was such a different outlook on life, letting it unfold and approaching it with patience, from ones own grounded center. Allowing things to happen. Allow almost sounds like “a-law”… It is actually the law that can bring into our life what has been eluding us.  Where the Will has failed miserably and repeatedly, the law of Allow may succeed.

Ripples from Source to you…

Side-by-side with the law of Cause and Effect, the law of synchronicity shapes our everyday reality. Except this is not about before and after. And one thing does not happen as a result of the other.

Rather, echoes suddenly appear that will make you wonder, while not necessarily providing directions of answers.

A word painted on the wall in a street-corner, a familiar name flashing on a billboard, a recurring number… All bear a significance accessible to you only, at first making you raise an eyebrow, then thinking more deeply and perhaps question, as they happen again and again, ripples in your very own time-space continuum that seem to have been placed on your path just for you, just at the right time by an invisible –and facetious- hand.

Whether it brings just what you need at a given moment, makes your soul smile or your heart sigh, a synchronicity, bound neither by time nor by causality, is both elusive, hard to comprehend and impossible to forget.

It defies reason, bypasses it, dwarfs it, simultaneously flashing its messages from both ends of the universe in a direction that is defined by consciousness alone. Witnessing, accepting and acknowledging it creates the path for more ripples, more signals, more direct echoes and messages.

Sender: the Source

Recipient: You

Enjoy the ride.


Love will makes one so whole it’s safe to open up as widely as you dare and fly high. Pain is an explosion that will rip you in a thousand pieces and makes you crash, so you’ll want to curl up and close, gathering what you can and hold it back together. The first gives you a set of wings, the second comes with a parachute. Each will make you fly in ways you wouldn’t suspect, if you understand and accept that they are simply a process, two parts of the same wave that are no more distinct than you and your Self. It seems cliché to say embrace the pain, but the quicker one does just that, the quicker one will ride that wave and move back onto its joyful counterpart. At some miraculous point the parachute morphs into a new set of wings, but it doesn’t stop there. Eventually we learn to surf in ways that transform every wave into joy.